Publicatie Telegraaf 17/09/2022

(English below)

Er is nog leven na pensioen…

There is life after retirement…
My first grey hair…
Got it at the age of 30. By the age of 40, I had an awful lot of it. The hairdresser had to put in more and more lowlights to cover it, so at one point I just decided to let it grow out. As it turned out? I thought it looked much better! Dark hair on older women often looks so harsh. I once went to a make-up artist who said: ‘There’s a reason we turn grey when we get older. It softens your face a bit.’ That made me look at grey hair differently. It’s part of our age.”

Now I even work…
“As a model! A friend used to say to me: that’s really something for you. According to her, my eyes are very striking. I also thought it would be great fun to do, but because I had my own business, I couldn’t always be called on ad hoc. But when I retired, it kept running through my mind. I thought: why not? I believe women my age can emulate me, because I really don’t have the ideal measurements. I am not very thin and also very small. Nevertheless, I decided to send photos to several casting agencies.

My first assignment…
“Was for an eyewear chain. I had to sit at the Christmas table with my ‘family’ wearing glasses. I bluffed my way through that shoot: I didn’t want them to know it was my very first time. Maybe then they would have less confidence in me. It went super well in the end and was not too bad. I also modelled for a care facility. There, I had to walk behind a walker. That was funny, because I am still super vital: I walked away with that walker as if I were walking with a pram!”

On average, I pose…
“Once a month. Although once a week would be nice too. My dream is to one day become the figurehead of a company. That I can inspire women not to sit behind the imaginary geraniums. Everyone is allowed to be there. In any case, I will continue as long as I can. If one day I am walking with a walker and the shoot is around the corner, why would I stop? I enjoy this work immensely!”

11 gedachten over “Publicatie Telegraaf 17/09/2022

  1. Wat een ontzettend leuk artikel Marion en je staat er prachtig op!! En altijd fijn in de Telegraaf, die krant wordt zoveel gelezen, gratis reclame voor jouw modellenwerk! xxx

    Geliked door 1 persoon

  2. Wat een leuk artikel, Marion.
    Je bent prachtig gefotografeerd.
    Je straalt, positiviteit en spirit uit.
    Ik hoop dat je menigeen mag bemoedigen.
    Ouder worden heeft zijn charme, als je het maar wilt zien
    Met plezier gelezen.

    Geliked door 1 persoon

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